• منتديات شباب الرافدين .. تجمع عراقي يقدم محتوى مميز لجميع طلبة وشباب العراق .. لذا ندعوكم للانضمام الى اسرتنا والمشاركة والدعم وتبادل الافكار والرؤى والمعلومات. فأهلاَ وسهلاَ بكم.
✨♬♥ نـــور العاشقين ♥♬✨

English Language الفرق بين Answer Reply Response , اساسيات تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

✨♬♥ نـــور العاشقين ♥♬✨

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الفرق بين Answer Reply Response , اساسيات تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

الفرق بين Answer Reply Response : ضمن سلسلة كلمات باللغة الانجليزية نعرض في هذا الدرس واحداً من الامور التي تحدث اللبس لدى المقدمين حالياً على تعلم اللغة الانجليزية والمواضبة على دراستها. اذ يجد هؤلاء صعوبة في التمييز أحياناً بالفرق بين الكلمات التالية: Answer Reply Response ، فما معنى كل منها؟ وأين تستخدم كل عبارة من هذه العبارات؟ بالاخص ان المعنى الخاص بها متشابه بعض الشيء.


Answer vs Reply vs Response

الفرق بين Answer Reply Response هو عنوان درسنا لهذا اليوم، انتبهوا وزيدوا عدد المفردات الانجليزية في قواميسكم اللغوية.الفرق بين Answer Reply Responseالفرق بين Answer Reply Response
الكلمات الثلاث Answer Reply Response ممكن ان تكون فعل او اسم، ومعناها باللغة العربية في حالة الفعل ( verb ) على الترتيب : (يجيب Answer – يرد Reply – يجاوب Response ). اما في حالة الاسم ( noun ) فيكون معناها وفق ذات الترتيب كما يلي: (اجابه – رد – جواب). والشرح التالي سيوضح الفرق ما بين Answer Reply Response بشكل أفضل.

Something that you say, write or do to react to a question, request or situation
Have you had an answer to your letter?
As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us the money.
I rang the bell, but there was no answer .
I expect a straight answer to a straight question.
I can’t easily give an answer to your question.
In answer to your question — yes, I have seen him before.
Did you ever get an answer to your letter?
I think you can guess the answer — they won’t agree to our request.
She had no answer to the accusations.
Please give her your answer , so she can make the necessary arrangements.
She repeated her question, but he offered no answer .
The answer came in a postcard she sent from Devon.
The short answer to your query is that he has acted completely illegally.

( especially written – كتب خصيصاً)
A spoken or written answer to a question, request, invitation, advertisement, etc
We had over 110 replies to our advertisement.
I haven’t received a reply from him yet.
What did they say in reply ?
I asked her what her name was but she made no reply.
He muttered a reply but I couldn’t understand what he said.
I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March.
‘No comment’ is his standard reply to most personal questions.
Her reply was simple. ‘No,’ she said.
The report elicited a formal reply from the minister.
The questionnaire produced 9000 replies.
A reply came back almost by return of post.
They waited patiently for a reply but none seemed to be forthcoming.
Please fill in the reply card and return it to us as soon as possible.

( rather formal – الى حد ما رسمية)
A spoken or written answer to a question, request or suggestion 95% of customers can
expect a response to their enquirers within 10 days.
I knocked on the door but there was no response.
NOTE answer, response or reply? Answer Reply Response ملاحظات هامة حول الفرق بين
is slightly more formal than answer and is used especially in written English.
It is often used when reporting a conversation or to refer to a written answer to an advertisement or invitation.
Response is more formal than reply and is often used in business con,,,,s

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