• منتديات شباب الرافدين .. تجمع عراقي يقدم محتوى مميز لجميع طلبة وشباب العراق .. لذا ندعوكم للانضمام الى اسرتنا والمشاركة والدعم وتبادل الافكار والرؤى والمعلومات. فأهلاَ وسهلاَ بكم.
Ibn AliraQ

برامج ماك | Mac تحميل اوفيس للماك Microsoft Office 2019 16.20

Ibn AliraQعضوية موثقة

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تحميل برنامج الاوفيس الخاص بالماك
مع التفعيل

Microsoft Office 2019 16.20 VL

Office 2019 for Mac is designed from scratch to take advantage of the latest features of Mac, including Retina display support full – screen view and even bounce displacement. It is the perfect combination of Office that you know and you trust, and the Mac you love.

Create and share professional – looking documents with editing tools, reviewing and sharing art. The new Design tab provides quick access to functions, and intelligent search displays contextually relevant information from the web directly into Word.
Analyze and visualize your data in new and intuitive ways with a new user interface and keyboard shortcuts favorites. Take advantage of features such as Analysis Toolpak, Slicers and Formula Builder to save time so you can focus on the statistics.
Create, collaborate and present their ideas effectively with new slide transitions and animations panel tasks improved. The added comments along with your slides help you incorporate comments in their presentations. And Presenter View displays the current slide, the next slide, the speaker notes and a timer on your Mac, while projecting only the presentation to your audience on the big screen.
It is your own digital scrapbook, so you can keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, even audio and video, all in one place. Whether you’re at home, in the office or while traveling, you can take it with you wherever you go, while you share and collaborate with others. It is ideal for homework, work projects, travel plans, party planning and more.
Easily manage your email, calendar, contacts and tasks. The push email support tray keeps your updated entry, messages related to the conversation view groups and calendars can be viewed alongside each other for planning.​

متطلبات البرنامج

System Requirements:
Mac computer with Intel processor
Mac OS X version 10.10
Recommended 1 GB of RAM
5.62 GB of free space on the hard drive
Formatting the hard drive as HFS + (also known as Mac OS Extended or HFS Plus)
A monitor with a resolution of 1280×800 or higher
Safari recommended 7


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